General Information
Our pricing starts at $1800, but the average price of our pups is $2500. This is for our miniature-sized puppies, above 12 pounds. The price can increase according to your size and color choice. We price out each pup individually based on conformation, hair/coat quality, color and markings, and size. Our chocolate/liver colors are our most expensive colors. Our teacup puppy price starts at $3000. All of our pups are sold as pets with no papers. We are required by the State of Texas to collect 8.25% sales tax, but we currently do not charge our owners additional sales tax on top of the quoted price.
We are located in the Hill Country/Central Texas area. We love for people to come and personally pick up their puppies. For our out-of-state owners, we work with wonderful flight nannies who can bring your puppy to you if you are unable to pick up the puppy yourself. We only place pups within the Continental United States.
We currently work exclusively from a request/waitlist, and while we don't consider a puppy "adopted" until we accept a deposit, we do have a list of people who are interested in our litters who are waiting on us to determine size and pricing once the pups are 6 weeks old.
If you are interested in a future puppy, you will need to email me at ToySchnauzers@AOL.com to get on our list. Please email me the gender, colors, and size range in pounds that you prefer. It is FREE to be on our request list.
Every breeder defines size a little differently. What most Toy breeders do is breed their larger females to their much smaller males. They then will get a mix of sizes in each litter. Some pups will take after the Mom in size. Some pups will take after the Dad. And some will be in the middle. Because there can be multiple sizes in any litter, we do wait 6 weeks to price our pups because that gives us our best guesstimate of the final adult size. Here are our size definitions:
Micro Teacup ~4 pounds or less (We rarely get this size)
Teacup ~5-6pounds (I do not price out my pups as teacups unless I think they will be in the 5-pound or less range)
Small Toy~ 6-8 pounds (We do get small toys more frequently than Teacups)
Large Toy ~ 9-11 pounds (We get the large toy size frequently)
Small Miniature ~ 12-13 pounds (We get small miniature and miniature sizes quite often)
Miniature: 14+
We give every puppy a one-year health guarantee against any genetic defects. To the best of our knowledge, you are receiving a healthy puppy at the time of pickup. The puppy will have received their first vaccination for Parvo and Distemper at 8 or 9 weeks of age. We do ask that you take your puppy to see a veterinarian for a well-checkup within the first 3 business days. We like for you to know that you have received a healthy puppy. If for any reason your puppy does not get a clean bill of health from your veterinarian and you want to return the puppy, you can get a full refund within 3 business days of the puppy pickup date. There are several ways that you can void our health guarantee (for example giving any type of oral flea medication or flea/heartworm medication). To read about this, please see the back page of our contract. CONTRACT LINK
From time to time people want to adopt two pups at the same time that will be going into the same home. According to very good research, (and our past experience), this is not a good idea. Here is a link to an article, "One Puppy or Two" that explains the many reasons why this is not a good idea for you and at least one of the pups. We always suggest you start with one puppy and get that puppy perfectly trained. Then you can bring in another puppy at 9 months to a year.
For years, we encouraged people to visit our facilities. However, a few years ago we decided for the health and safety of our puppies we could no longer allow visitors. Puppies are much like newborn babies and they rely on the immunity of their mothers and the safety of our home to protect them from harmful viruses/diseases which can be brought in by visitors. We understand if this causes you to go elsewhere for your puppy, and we respect your decision. But the safety of our puppies comes first, and we also owe it to the other families waiting for our pups to reach the age where they can go to their new homes, to keep the puppies as safe as possible. Unfortunately, there have been parvo outbreaks in Corpus, San Antonio, and Houston. Parvo is very easily transmitted, and on the advice of our veterinarian, sadly, we feel it necessary to no longer allow visitors.
My husband and I are both older, and we do take care of his 91-year-old mother. That being said, we never want anyone to adopt a puppy sight unseen. Once you hear from me that you can make a deposit on one of our pups, you can arrange with us to make that deposit in person. At that time, you can visit with the puppy and the parents prior to making the deposit.
We never take deposits on an unborn litter. In general, once a litter is born, we price out the litter at 6 weeks when we can best guesstimate the final adult size, coat quality, markings, and conformation. Once we have priced the litter, and you have received an email from us that we are ready to accept your deposit, we then ask for a 50% non-refundable non-transferable deposit to hold the puppy until you can pick up the puppy at 8 or 9 weeks of age. We ask that you make the deposit within 3 business days. If for any reason you cannot purchase the puppy at 8 weeks, you will forfeit your deposit and you cannot transfer the deposit to another puppy. The 50% balance is due at the time of pick-up. All of our pups are available until I price them and then accept a deposit.
If I have more than one person wanting the same puppy (which happens quite frequently) the only fair way that I know to determine who gets the puppy, is to go with whoever has been waiting on my request list the longest. In other words, whoever initially contacted me first. I do keep track of the date that you initially contact me. You will notice that in my initial email to you, in the subject line it will say the date that you contacted me along with your preferences on size, gender, and colors. For example, let's say that two people wanted to make a deposit on the same puppy. One person had contacted me in April of 2023 and the other person had contacted me in May of 2023.
In this scenario, the person in April would be able to make a deposit because they had been waiting a month longer than the person in May. Both would get an email from me the day after pricing. The person with the initial contact date in April would get an email with deposit information letting them know that they were first in line for the puppy. The person with the May initial contact date would get an email that would say, "I'm sorry, but there was someone ahead of you for the puppy you chose".
Puppies are available for new homes when they are 8 weeks old (by law). However, our teacups and small toys may need to stay with us for 9-10 weeks. Occasionally when prior arrangements are made, we can keep a puppy an additional week if you are unable to pick up your puppy at 8 weeks. Beyond a week, we ask that you wait on a later litter.
All our puppies will have had their tails docked, and their dew claws removed. We do not crop ears, and here is a link that explains why we prefer to leave the ear cropping up to you and your veterinarian.
"To Crop Or Not?" Our pups are eating solid food by the time they go to new their new homes.
A puppy book which includes:
General Puppy Instructions
A computerized printout for your vet that has all of the medical treatment (worming and vaccinations) that the puppy has received while in our care, and the dates of future vaccinations that are needed by your puppy for the first year.
Photos and proof of AKC registration of the pup's parents
Articles on puppy-proofing your home, house training, foods to never feed your puppy, a list of poisons, and articles explaining the complicated subject of dog nutrition and over-vaccination.
Nuvet vitamin samples
Trupanion information flyer for pet insurance
4 pounds of Fromm Puppy food:
A tube of Fortical to prevent hypoglycemia
A harness that will fit your puppy, and a leash
A soft blanket that will have the puppy scent of his/her Littermates
Two of our favorite toys
We do not ship puppies in cargo. Because we only live 5-minutes from the San Antonio airport, we are more than happy to meet you at the airport when you arrive should you decide to fly to San Antonio. Then you can do a quick turn-around flight back to your home/state two hours later. Most airlines charge $95-$125 to bring a puppy with you in the cabin, and they no longer require a health certificate if you are traveling with the continental United States. You do need to call each airline to make a reservation for the puppy, as most airlines will limit the number of puppies/dogs on each flight. They will not let you pay for the puppy over the phone. You must pay for the pup's ticket at the airport. Southwest and American airlines will allow 8-week old pups on the plane. Delta requires that the puppy be 10-weeks old, and United requires the puppy to be 16 weeks old and have had their Rabies vaccination. At 16 weeks our pups are getting their 3rd Distemper Parvo vaccination. Our pups must wait until they are 5 months old before they can get a Rabies vaccination. We are not able to keep a puppy past 10 weeks of age, and so flying United airlines or any other airline requiring a rabies vaccine is not an option for one of our pups.
We do work a wonderful flight nanny that will pick up your puppy and then fly the pup to the airport of your choice. She's very reasonable on pricing, and we trust her completely. If you would like for her to bring you your puppy, I will be more than happy to put you in contact with her. We always work with her schedule and yours as to when she can bring you your puppy. However, the puppy must be a minimum of 2 pounds and 8 weeks old before the puppy can legally fly.
We do provide veterinarian references so you can perform your own background check and have peace of mind that we are a reputable breeder and not a puppy mill. We have been with the same veterinarian for 17 years now, and he refers people to us frequently. We have been regularly inspected by the AKC, and we are also licensed by the State of Texas. The State of Texas does random inspections of our facilities every 1 year to 18 months. The State of Texas requires that all of our adults be examined by our vet at least once a year and that we keep them up to date on their Rabies vaccinations.
We do encourage you to read our 50+ Facebook reviews on our Facebook business page: Texas T's Teacup and ToySchnauzers Many have been written by people who have been in our home and visited with our adult dogs. I'm sure any one of them would be more than happy to talk to you in more depth about their experience getting a puppy from us if you were to send them a private message.